뉴스 동향
  • Reasons for hope: the drugs, tests and tactics that may conquer coronavirus
    (Reuters) - With much of the world living in lockdown, the spread of the new coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, that was first detected in China late last year is beginning to slow in some places. As of April 12, 1.8 million had been infected and 115,000 killed by COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus.
  • TechStars Donated COVID-19 Test Kits to Cambodia
    You Toss me a Peach, I Give you a White Jade in Return TechStars Donated COVID-19 Test Kits to Cambodia
  • We have resumed work on February 10, 2020 !
    NEST Biotechnology one of the first key units reopened in Wuxi On February 10, all departments of NEST Biotechnology, one of the first key units reopened in Wuxi with the approval for reopening granted by the government of Wuxi several days ago, started to devote themselves to normal work and did everything possible to secure production.
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